E-Learning Features
Moodle serves as an online e-learning platform to facilitate the communications between teachers and students. Some typical features provided by Moodle are listed:
Files download
Assignment submission
Turnitin™ Assignment Similarity Checking
Online quiz
Moodle instant messages
Online calendar
Online news and announcement (College and course level)
Discussion forum
Students appointments scheduling
Eligible Users and Account Application
To gain access, please visit https://portal.cpce-polyu.edu.hk/ or https://moodle.cpce-polyu.edu.hk for incredible teaching and learning experiences.
Username | Password | |
For students | Student No | Same as email password |
For full-time teachers | Net ID | Same as email password |
For visiting lecturers | Net ID | Same as email password |
During the add/drop period, subjects enrolled will be available the next day in Moodle. The enrolled subjects are also available during the current semester.
All subjects are already prepared during the current semester. Teachers who teach the two or more subjects in same subject ID, a new merged course for these subjects is also entitled to you in Moodle.
Programme officers and administration staff
If you are authorized to access to the programme subjects or a particular subject, please write a request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and cc (carbon copy) to the subject owners. Upon our acknowledgement, we will proceed your request as soon as possible.
User Support
Hotline: | 3746-0819 / 3746-0818 |
Email: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
User Manuals
User Guide for Teacher | Online / PDF Format |
User Guide for Student | Online / PDF Format |
Ongoing training sessions are provided to teachers in basic and advanced levels during the semesters. For students, training sessions will be available at the start of semesters and student orientation, arrangement will be made by the HKCC and SPEED programme office.