
Email System


The College E-mail System provides an efficient electronic means for student/staff communication as well as for communication with others locally in Hong Kong and with the world-wide community. The system serves the staff of CPCE, HKCC and SPEED. The format of the College e-mail address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , where 'username' is the Active Directory account name of the corresponding staff.

The student e-mail system provides a simple, practical way to provide advanced online communications and collaboration for student in our campus community. The system serves the student of HKCC and SPEED.  The format of the student e-mail address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it   and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .  For the HKCC and SPEED full-time student, ‘studentno' is printed in their student card.  For SPEED part-time student, ‘studentno' is the library card number in their library card.


  HKCC and SPEED Full-time student SPEED Part-time student SPEED Oversea Program student
‘studentno' is stand for Student number printed in their Student ID Card Student number printed in their Student ID Card Card number in their Facilities Access Card


Eligible Users and Account Application


Eligible students can login in ITU portal page at with the initial password after you have completed your registration enrolment and received your Student ID Card and Facilities Access Card. You should change your own password at once.  After changing the password, you could re-logon the ITU portal page and click the ‘Web Mail' to activate your e-mail account. Please refer to the student e-mail system training guide in the ITU portal page for detail activation procedures.


CPCE staff can create your NetID and select your password (called NetPassword) via the 'Staff NetID Creation' facility of the 'PUsecure Identity Portal' on your first day of duty. The ‘PUsecure Identity Portal' is system from PolyU.  The facility can be accessed by clicking the 'New Staff' button on the PUsecure Identity Portal Login page at On the next working day, you should login in ITU portal page at with the initial password and then change your own password.  After changing the password, you could make a support request to ITU and our staff will come to configure the Outlook program for receiving the email. Please note that applications from part-time staff will be forwarded to the departmental Computer Liaison Officers (CLOs) for endorsement before the NetIDs and associated accounts can be created. Policies and Guidelines

  • Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
  • Computer Systems Security Policy (CSSP)
  • Student Handbook On IT Facilities And Services (please refer to the 'Proper Use of E-mail Resources' section)

Please also be reminded that according to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, data, including e-mails, in which specific individuals can be directly or indirectly identify constitute personal data. Under the Ordinance, personal data shall not be kept longer than necessary and shall be made available upon receipt of a request from the data subject. Users should carefully consider the above when deciding the e-mails to be kept in the central server, personal computer, or in archive form in view of your legal obligation to disclose all e-mails concerning a data subject upon request.

System features

  • Anti-spam
  • Anti-virus
  • E-mail Forwarding
  • Calendar, Meeting Request
  • Task Schedule

Access to College Email System

Staff can use e-mail client program Microsoft Outlook 2010 with the latest service pack, or Microsoft Office 365 Web Access (OWA) to access their College E-mail accounts (e.g. reading and sending e-mails).

Microsoft Office 365 OWA user guide Office 365 OWA User Guide

College Webmail - Microsoft Office 365 Outlook Web Access (OWA)

College WebMail provides a web interface for the College E-mail System to facilitate more convenient access. It enables you to access your Campus E-mail account just by using an Internet-connected computers with a web browser at any time from anywhere in the world, With OWA, you can forget all about configuring the e-mail client program. All you need to do is to log into the CPCE Portal at with your Outlook Username and Password, and then click the ' Office 365 OWA ' hyperlink on the top left menu.

You also can directly connect to the webmail by the following hyper link. Once you have logged in to the system, you can read and send e-mails.
For student:
For staff:

In addition to the basic webmail features, the OWA also provides advanced features such as personal address book, vacation message, message folders and message filters. You can refer to the above online user guide of OWA for instructions on using these features.

AutoArchive Email

All staff are strongly recommended to set up the email auto-archive within their email Outlook client after the user mailbox storage quota policy was enforced on April 2010.  When configuring the email auto-archive, email will be stored locally in your PC automatically upon the autoarchive settings.  For the important messages, we recommended to perform a regular backup to another storage media with password protection e.g. DVD-ROM , external USB storage disk, etc.  Please refer to the 'Outlook AutoArchive Guide ' at CPCE Portal for the detailed configuration.  

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